Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I like to Bota Bota!! (I really do'!)

I am so busy, yet I only teach three double blocks a week! Here’s the run down of my last five days. Thursday we did not have class because we had the Prefect ceremony. Friday I was running around trying to organize a belated birthday party for Morgan, my roommate from Elephant Graceland. She and 4 others (Eric, Sarah Rainwater, Sarah Klinger and Kelly) live out at an IDP (Internally displaced person) camp called Anaka. They come home to us every Friday and it’s always a celebration to have the group back together. We got cookies, a piece of cake and beer to welcome them home. Morgan’s friend sent along a secret package of birthday decorations, but Morgan didn’t give it to us until after her birthday.

The beer was an experience, I actually took a bota (motorcycle taxi) back to the IC house with the beer. They reuse the bottles here so I had to take the empty bottles back to the bar the next day… again, on a bota with the crate between my legs. It was hilarious to me and I do not have pictures. I’ll draw you a stick figure drawing when I get back! We also had a sing-a-long. Our group loves to sing stupid songs about our week. We have sung about teaching, poo, cultural mistakes, more poo, puke and most recently we tried to see how many songs we could add bota into. Our favorites were:
Sweet bota bota, (Sweet Caroline)
Ain't no bota back girl! (Ain't no holla back girl)
Bota! bota! (Beat it)
I like to bota bota! (I like to move it move it!)

...these are the things that keep me from blogging more.

Saturday was our free day and I spent it picking up a dress I had made in town, swimming at the Acholi Inn (then quickly showering!), bota-ing the beer back into town and finally another Texas hold-em poker game with group 2. Sadly, I was the first out this time. I didn’t feel that bad though, last weeks winner was out second… I blame the cards, not my skill!

Sunday was packed as well. We had a book discussion on Confessions of an Economic Hitman (a very enlightening book), a trip to St. Judes Orphanage and then dinner at Apollo’s Farm. It was a great night, but I will have to save that entry for another day. I have to print out a presentation schedule and then bota back to school. I miss you all and will be back on the 11th …though I will probably not be mentally able to hold a conversation until the 12 or 13th!