Monday, July 7, 2008

Happy 4th of July!! (belated)

It is Sunday!! Happy belated 4th of July all! We all almost forgot here, until we saw Aaron’s nametag at the conference which had the message along with little fireworks drawn in. I missed celebrating on Friday but we had the teaching conference with all of the American teachers and Ugandan teachers that morning and an article review discussion right afterwards at 5, we were all talked out and just ended up coming home and playing cards. I don’t even miss tv here because it feels like we are camping. There are 11 of us staying here and we are getting along pretty well for people who have been out of the dorms for quite a few years!

We ended up having a mini-celebration Sat. afternoon after the 2nd day of the conference. We all went over to the IC house, where everyone else is staying and played volleyball, cards, hung out, napped in front of the fan! (We don’t have one and it gets pretty humid here right before the rain… at least for the west coast people it’s humid!) We looked into buying one, but it was going to cost around 50,000 shillings which is like $55.00 for a really basic fan. We decided against it.

My teacher, Amono Sarah, gave birth on Wednesday night to a baby girl! Which is awesome and not. This means that I will have to find a new teacher to work with. So far I plan to stay with one of Sarah’s classes, work with another geography teacher, and hopefully get involved with the teacher training college that we live next door to. I observed on of their classes last week and I am going again on Monday. I really would like to know how teachers are trained here, because what we IC peeps have noticed is that lecture is the main method of teaching.

Most of our teachers lecture and give notes and the students copy notes, there is very little participation from the students in most classes. The students are extremely respectful to all teachers but the student-teacher relationship we enjoy in the states is lacking in the classroom here. It will be interesting to see how this develops as I get to work more with all of the teachers. I miss you all, but am loving it here! I will have so many stories to tell when I return I will bore you all to tears!

By the way!
I haven’t showered in three days… you’d be surprised how fresh you feel with a baby wipe bath! Jealous I couldn’t hang out with you all for July 4th! Love the comments! Will answer the questions as I can, but I’m on Allison’s computer and she is waiting for it back!

Talk soon!


Ems said...

You didn't take a shower for 3 days and you're still able to function??? I don't believe it!!!

Anonymous said...

That is interesting the differences in teaching here and there for both the teachers and the students! I am REALLY glad to hear that you are having a great time, and love reading your posts!!! Glad you are not near me though since you haven't showered in so long-maybe you should be Stinky Pot :0) Can't wait to be bored to tears, just think it is finally your turn after all these years of me boring you!! :0) LOVE YA!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, three days in the heat and humidity without a shower...hmmm, could be a new trend! Sounds like the teaching is the way it was here a hundred years ago (I know, I remember)but I guess the questionis, are the kids learning? Perhaps our educational system has moved so far away from it's roots, that we have lost some of he "teaching" aspect? Not saying that the current trends in teaching are not good, just offering a different point of view! Keep on keeping on girlfriend, wish I was experiencing it all with you.

Anonymous said...

hey jo, you should take over christina's nickname Stinky. I think it will fit you perfectly. Well I am glad you are having a good time and good experience. I am kinda jealous because I would love to be experiencing that too. But not the bathing in 3 days and the not having a fan. I need a fan. Well love ya and stay safe.

Anonymous said...

Thank God for Baby wipes. Dad and I will be in humidity soon. Oh red clay also. I hope you get to try out some of your great skills while you are there. The kids will love it. Interaction what a concept. Geography! I remember that it is your favorite Ha! subject.Everyone is asking me do they sit on the floor or do they have desks? Remember Pictures! It was great to here from you and I can't wait till the next posting. Love Mom

Anonymous said...

Hi Jolene! It's Melody, your neighbor across the street! Sounds like you're having a good time. Love the heat, do ya? Any love interests yet? (hee-hee) Your mom and dad came and watched the fireworks with us in the back yard. They were actually pretty good this year! Your car looks good in your parents driveway! (ha-ha) Kevin wants to drive it around town. Well, it was fun reading your blog. Be safe, enjoy life, and we'll see you soon.

Ems said...

dude, I woke up this morning and thought "to be, or not to be.. like Jo" And I thought "To be!" Therefore I decided against a shower and went Au naturale. Have to say, have only had 7 complaints so far... so I reckon, statistically speaking, that's just awesome!
Seriously though... go take a shower. please.

Anonymous said...

Hey Girlie...Sorry I haven't said hello sooner...When you work in front of the computer all day you don't really want to look at it when you get home...I am excited to hear about your adventures so far...I thought the wind was bringing over an odd smell these last couple days (Hee hee). I am sure the first thing you will do when you get back is take a long shower. I hope you are enjoying yourself so much it is hard to bear it. Can't wait for the extremely long slide show to come. Miss you bunches